Let's Talk About the New North Yorkshire Council
Published: 13 October 2022
From 1 April 2023, North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services your local council currently provides. Having one new council will save money by joining up services to end duplication, helping to support services so they are stronger and fit for the future, as well as fund local decision-making.
The new council is being built with local at the heart of everything it will do. There will be a main office in each district, supported by customer access points across North Yorkshire so you can still access help and advice face-to-face.
Community Networks will bring together residents, councillors, businesses, town and parish councils, MPs, community groups, and partners like the NHS and police and fire services. Area committees will oversee decisions on matters like licensing and planning at a local level. There will also be a single website, a single telephone number, and a single local councillor serving your area.
Over the next few months, the new council will be asking you what local services are most important to you, how you’d like to work with them, and what you think they should focus on as part of ‘Let’s Talk’, the biggest countywide conversation that North Yorkshire has ever seen.
How can I take part?
The first topic of conversation is ‘Let’s Talk Local’, focussing on what’s important to you in your local area, as well as asking for your views on the proposed Community Networks. This will be followed by conversations about the budget and proposed devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire later in the autumn. You’ll hear more about ’Let’s Talk’ in the paper, on the radio, online and on social media, and the conversation will run through to December.
Teams from the council will be holding these conversations in person across North Yorkshire at the places you visit and socialise at, like libraries and street markets, and talking to members of local community groups.
You can also share your views online or, if you’d prefer, on paper. Surveys are available in accessible formats including large print and easy read, plus selected alternative languages - simply call 01609 780780 to request your copy.
Join the conversation
Visit https://letstalkny.commonplace.is/ to share your views online and find out where your local conversations are taking place.