The Council

Pateley Bridge Town Council is one of 76 town and parish councils within the Harrogate District. The Council has limited powers but it is consulted about, and can influence decisions on, a range of functions and services, from highways to social housing allocations. It exists to represent the interests of the majority of its parishioners and makes decisions on that basis. Much of the work of the Council involves lobbying the District and County Councils on behalf of residents.

The Council looks after the Village Green in Glasshouses, some areas of common land, and is the sole managing trustee of the Millennium Green Trust. It owns and maintains the bus shelters, many of the public benches and is responsible for managing the Christmas lights. It owns the Glasshouses Play Area and jointly with Bewerley Parish Council owns the Pateley Bridge Recreation Ground which is leased to Harrogate Borough Council. Maintenance and improvement works are subcontracted to the Parish Caretaker, who is also responsible for grasscutting.

There are eleven councillors who are elected to serve for a four-year term of office; the Council is non-political and councillors work voluntarily. Please contact us if you have questions concerning the work of the Town Council, if you have any concerns that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you.