Local Elections 2022 – What they mean for Pateley Bridge, and what they mean for you.
Published: 14 March 2022
You may have seen the Notice of Elections on the Pateley Bridge Town Council website and notice boards throughout the parish. All 11 seats on Pateley Bridge Town Council are up for election on Thursday the 5th May 2022.
Local council’s are the layer of government closest to the community and provide an opportunity for residents to get involved. If you are committed to helping to make the parish of High and Low Bishopside a great place to live you might like to consider standing for election for the town council in May.
If you are interested in standing as a candidate, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) produces useful information about becoming a councillor ELECTIONS (nalc.gov.uk)
Candidates would need to submit a nomination form to Harrogate Borough Council by 4pm on Tuesday 5th April. Further information is available on the Pateley Bridge Town Council website or at Parish elections – Harrogate Borough Council
Maybe you feel that becoming a town councillor is not right for you at the current time but you know someone who is very active within your community and you think they’d make a great town councillor. You might consider talking to them about this and nominating them, if they’re agreeable. There are criteria which prospective candidates must meet, these are that you are:
· British or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union
· At least 18 years old
· Registered to vote in the area or have lived, worked or owned property there for at least 12 months before an election
You can find out more about the criteria, and disqualifications here Become a councillor - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Register to vote
Please do make sure you’re registered to vote by Thursday 14th April 2022. You can register online at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Please note that it is to everyone’s advantage if the Council is able to fill seats by election, rather than having to co-opt. This ensures the council has a democratic mandate and is able to continue and build on the work of the council. Pateley Bridge Town Council has resolved to use the General Power of Competence as we have a qualified clerk and over two thirds of our councillors are currently elected rather than co-opted; this extends the powers available to the council.