Message from The Mayor
Published: 10 August 2021
The Mayor and Mayoress of Pateley Bridge, Councillor Mike and Dr Janet Holt, together with the Chair of Bewerley Parish Council Councillor Graham Spooner unveiled plaques within their Parishes on a sunny Saturday afternoon last month.
Known as Pateley Bridge this has been a great opportunity to make people aware that our town is governed by two Councils, and how those Councils work together for the benefit of the whole community, the local businesses and of course our all-important visitors.
We are privileged to live in this amazing area, and although everybody in this country has, to a greater or lesser extent been affected by CV-19 we have been incredibly lucky to have an amazing community which, over these last 18 months have pulled together to help their neighbours, relatives and friends to cope with the personal issues that have occurred during this time.
Both our Councils appreciate how our community has worked selflessly to help during this crisis and the plaques will act as a long-standing reminder of both Councils gratitude, and they will also hopefully remind everyone how monumentally life changing this pandemic been.
Cllr. Mike Holt
Mayor of Pateley Bridge.
Images courtesy of Cllr. Stan Lumley.