Chris Skaife retires from the Council
Published: 14 May 2020

After two years as Mayor, Chris Skaife has stepped down from the Council, and her fellow councillors and the Clerk are very sorry to see her go!
“It has been an honour and privilege to represent Pateley Bridge as Mayor for the past two years. Initially the prospect of continuing for a second year was a little daunting to say the least but this allowed me the time to put plans into action that I had initially considered during my first year. This second year has thrown us some challenges but as usual the community spirit of the people and the businesses has shone through yet again! I applaud you all who have gone the extra mile for the families and community of Pateley Bridge and the surrounding areas, you are all heroes in my eyes. Thank you from myself and my fellow councillors. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish the new Mayor, Mike Holt, all the very best for his Mayoral year, along with his Deputy Chris Thompson.”
Chris introduced the ‘Meet Your Councillors’ mornings held once a month in Pateley Bridge, and the Volunteers’ Coffee Morning held last November (now to be an annual event); she was on the front line during the recent storms; raised funds for the Mayor’s Charity Fund and has represented the town on over 100 occasions – along with her husband Ian of course! She has recently retired from social work with NYCC but remains as a governor at Glasshouses School and Secretary to the Memorial Hall Committee. Through her professional experience, she has brought expertise to the Council's activities and decision making. She always worked towards a consensus, but also brought a creative and pro-active response to such things as problem solving or fundraising. As a local resident, Chris has shown a huge commitment to the town and to the community, and that commitment, along with her skills and attributes, has helped the Council work towards its aims and objectives.